Parts IA-IIB online survey

The survey for Parts IA-IIB will be run from the start of Michaelmas term until the end of Easter term. Students can update their survey entries at any point when the survey is running.
To use the survey system from a machine in the DPO either:
- from within a web browser click on the "online survey" link; or
- type "survey" at the teaching system command prompt.
Option 1 also allows you to use the survey system from elsewhere in Cambridge (e.g. from your College).
Answers to the survey questions will be kept completely anonymous and no reference to the computer user will be made in any output from the survey program.
Please remember to do the survey! This is your chance to let us know how you feel about the course, and we take the results very seriously. Surveys provide valuable feedback for lecturers, which helps us to improve the course. If you have any problems with the survey, contact the Director of Undergraduate Education.
Last updated on 27/07/2018 10:53