Exam data retention policy

Examinations Data Retention Policy
Policy approved by the Faculty Board of Engineering for use in 2018-19. This policy applies to both electronic and hard copies of data relating to the following University Examinations:
Engineering Tripos: Parts IA, IB, IIA, IIB
Manufacturing Engineering Tripos: Parts IIA and IIB
Routinely available data
Retention period
Accessible through
Mark books | Six months | Faculty Board Office |
Class lists | Indefinitely | Faculty Board Office |
The marks contained in the final mark book and routinely released are those that the Faculty Board has determined as being meaningful or helpful as indicators of examination performance.
Data retained
Retention period
Accessible through
Orders of Merit | Indefinitely | Faculty Board Office |
Chairs' Reports | Indefinitely | Faculty Board Office |
Chairs' files | Three years | Faculty Board Office |
In keeping with the provision of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018, the Department does NOT release examination scripts to students. Examiners are expressly instructed and expected not to write comments on scripts.
An individual requesting data will be provided with data concerning himself/herself only. Data concerning other candidates’ performance will not be released.
Academic staff acting as referees for students may disclose as much information to a relevant third party as they think appropriate. Guidance is available for staff on providing academic references for students.
Sample examination scripts and coursework will be retained for up to three years when required for evaluation of teaching quality or for accreditation by professional engineering institutions.
At the end of the retention period, data are either destroyed or anonymised and used for statistical analysis.
In the case of a formal appeal, ALL data on the individual concerned should be retained until the appeal process is completed.
Please request data in writing from the Faculty Board contact: faculty-board-office@eng.cam.ac.uk
Release of data under this policy does not constitute a subject access request under the GDPR 2018. Requests for access to all other personal data should be directed to the University’s Data Protection Officer (data.protection@admin.cam.ac.uk).
Last updated on 03/10/2018 09:37