Undergraduate Teaching 2018-19

Submission of fourth year coursework to examiners

Submission of fourth year coursework to examiners

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Please remember that ALL your Part IIB module coursework has to be available for inspection by the external examiners.  You must therefore ensure that you:

  1. collect all your work from wherever you handed it in to (for paper submission);
  2. excluding documents submitted on Moodle, hand in all your coursework and feedback forms to Lecture room 10 between 2.15 and 3.15 on one of the following dates: Thursday or Friday of week 7 of the Easter term.

If you have a problem attending on the above dates, please contact the Teaching Office to discuss.

A IIB submission form must be downloaded and signed, stating all work submitted is your own.   There will be provision on the form to indicate if any  coursework was submitted electronically and therefore not included in the bundle.  The form should be placed on top of your bundle of coursework, which should then be tied securely with string or elastic bands. 

The Chairman of IIB Examiners will be advised of any student whose coursework is not received.

Note: Make sure you keep a copy of your module or project work before submitting it for inspection as no work will be returned to students.

Last updated on 27/09/2018 10:51

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